Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The joys of water balloons . . .

I am convinced I could fill water balloons 24/7 (considering my fingers would not bleed and fall off) and the boys would still be waiting in line for them. Travis and I filled a cooler of water balloons on this very chilly spring evening and I have decided, as I do every time I fill water balloons, that I do not like them. My fingers bleed and hurt and nobody ever thinks about all the work that goes in to these dang things, they just want to throw three hundred of them in two minutes. It's kind of like bottled peaches, Quincy's friends have no concept of the work that goes in to the bottle of peaches hiding in the pantry that I try to save for my children alone. "Give your friends the canned peaches," I say to Quincy. "No Mom, they don't like those. "Of course they don't." As if my children understand the work behind a bottle of peaches.
I thought I'd write a little on FHE since it is always an adventure. This blessed event got underway a little late, therefore everyone needed a snack right as we started. So they all got their snacks and we sat down at the table to study from preach my gospel. For the first verse of the song everyone had their mouths stuffed with food. On the second verse Quincy decided to be a back up singer and repeat everything we sang as an echo. By this time we are sounding just beautiful. Jake gets excited, spills his grape juice everywhere. We get that cleaned up and he goes to wash his hands, decides to get more ice so he sticks his wet hand in the ice maker. You can imagine what happened then, that was fun. We finally get into the lesson, they were all supposed to prepare a little thought on the commandment I had assigned them. Each one of them read straight from the manual which they were asked beforehand not to do. I have to think of Elder Bednar's talk pretty much every time we have family home evening and hope that consistency is the key.
On a different note, potty training is going so well, knock on wood, I think we might have it down. Trav has some sort of an eye infection, we used eye drops from 2002, hope he can still see in the morning. Jake is probably going to skip school for the rest of the year and I don't care and Quincy is still waiting for signs of puberty. The End, until tomorrow.


Ashlee said...

haha I wish i was there!

Anonymous said...

I love reading it all and especially being able to see some of it. It brings back lots of memories of motherhood. You're doing it right!