Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sweet Jake

Oh, to live in Jake's world. I've always said "it's his world, we're just living in it." He said "What the heck, I didn't know we had a blog." I told him I didn't really know either. He started reading and said "Mom, this is a book about boys, not boy, it's all Tyler." So here is a blog about Jake. Sweet Jakey is a so fun, he is constantly cracking us up with his impressions of Nacho and Napoleon. I love how he can't even walk by without hugging me, he cares so much about how others feel, always wants to do what is right, reads his scriptures every night and is so kind to his brothers. BUT, oh boy does he have an attitude when he doesn't feel like being sweet. We are always scared for the boy on the basketball court that gets in his way or fouls him. He gets a look on his face, then we know nothing good is going to come next. We go from being the coolest parents to the meanest in seconds. He is a our fireball and I couldn't be more thankful for his sweet love.

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