Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Luckiest Family...

We have just returned from the most wonderful experience we have ever had.  Nauvoo was the opportunity of a lifetime and we will always have a special place in our hearts for this beautiful town we have fallen in love with.

Our two week journey started out at 4 am on Sunday morn, July 3.  We flew to SLC, Detroit and then to Moline.  Drove two hours to Nauvoo and felt like we had no idea what we had gotten ourselves into by the time we went to bed.  The day was long, little did we know we were in for the best two weeks ever.
We feel so blessed to have had this opportunity, it has been life changing for our family and we hope to return again someday.  Here is a little glimpse of the first week.  Our schedule was nuts.  We got little sleep but the spirit sustained us as focused on our purpose, which was to BRING SOULS TO CHRIST.   We were so thankful that through this work our own souls were very close to our Savior and we felt his love so deeply. 

The Detroit airport is huge and Awesome! 

We were over the puppet show at the Frontier Country Fair.  It was 
so fun to hear Jake as the mother in the puppet show. 

This group of boys became fast friends and tore up the town at all hours,
at Annie's custard after the pageant and the city park.

More pictures later, anyone who blogs knows of the time this takes :)

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