Thursday, October 15, 2009

For my boys to always remember.

Quincy dumped an entire box of dog poop on Jake's head today, I don't know that Jake will ever forget this but just in case, I thought I'd write it down. After the initial dumping and my reaction, I laughed my head off.

Here's the scoop, Jake and Trav cleaned up all (and I mean ALL) the dog poop and put it in a box. Jake was telling Quin that he wasn't going to mow the back lawn so Quin got mad and was holding the box of poop over Jake's head threatening him, I'm sure, with something very threatening, like dumping poop on him. Jake went to kick at Quin and Quin jerked back loosing control of the box and dumping it all over Jake. I was mad, Jake was mad and I could tell Quin did not mean to do it. Anyway, long story short, Jake ended up in trouble because he still wouldn't mow the lawn, Quincy got in trouble and I got a good laugh.

The last couple of days have been eventful as always, Trav got a wound that was killing him (so small I couldn't even see it), he was blessed, or cursed, with my persistence and wouldn't give up until I got medicine on it. Of course I could not find medicine because nothing can ever be found in this house, tweezers, fingernail clippers, tape, etc., so I opened up a hemmorhoidal suppository and wiped it on this wound that was killing him, it felt better at once and all was well. Quincy ran away yesterday because I am the meanest Mom and took away the football game, he rode up to the mountain, we secretly searched for him as to not let him know that his running away had phased us, he came back and all is well again. We have another broken window, Jake kicked a soccer ball from the outside of the house and the inside pane of the window shattered. Things never slow down around here and I'm ever thankful for healthy boys who have a contagious love for life!
Sweet little Ty runs around all day looking for the next interesting thing to get into, he won't sit still for two seconds and he absolutely loves slides. He giggles all the way down them going head first, of course.

1 comment:

Rach said...

I wish I was you! You are wonder mom--seriously. I majorly LOST it with my family tonight...over dried up markers and lost game pieces. I have a lot to learn...