Dear Broc,
You have stood by my side through thick and thin for the past fifteen years and taught me more than you will ever know about true love. Life has not always given us exactly what we expected when we were joined together for time and all eternity on that beautiful September day in 1994. We have shed many tears together, we have laughed and laughed and laughed, we have prayed and hoped together, we have gotten lost (certainly not because of you), we have slept on the sand and on the rocks, we have seen the world (or maybe just Utah and Cali, but that's pretty much all anyone needs to see), we have had our hearts broken together and we have mended them together, we have had more happiness than I ever thought possible and I love you more and more every minute (okay, except for the minutes when you really tick me off). You complete me in every way and I will forever be grateful that a loving Heavenly Father knew that I needed you.
Yours Forever and Ever, Ju
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